The wonderous 3D age

Orthophos Xg 3D

Orthophos Xg 3D

The newest addition to  our office is an Orthophos XG 3D installed in the summer of 2013.

Besides the outstanding digital panoramic views and detailed sections of the jaws in high definition mode, it is also a CBCT machine.

CBCT (cone beam computed tomography) is a major adjunct in diagnosis and treatment planning.

Until recently, we only relied on 2 D pictures of the hidden structures under the gums and the bones. This new technology allowed us to better visualize any specific tooth, nerves, relations of implants to adjacent structures. pi_orthophos_xg_3d_bildqualitaet_200


It doesn’t stop there:  we now can integrate the 3D models and slices acquired by the CBCT with 3D surface scans of models taken from the patient’s mouth to plan restorations supported by implants in a rational and predictable way.

The whole process is done in a virtual environment to select the most appropriate dimension and  orientation of the required implants and generate a virtual surgical guide


The designed surgical guide meets reality with a 3D printer which uses the information with a polymer additive technology to print in 3D the guide used during the implant surgery
